Thursday, May 30, 2013

Academy - Learning Management Theme

Academy - Learning Management Theme - Miscellaneous WordPress

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Academy is a perfect theme for sharing and selling your knowledge online. It’s not just a theme, but learning management system that makes learning and teaching online easier for everyone.

Courses & Lessons

This theme provides awesome features for creating online courses, such as extended user profiles, rating system, questions system, file attachments, embedding self-hosted media, tracking course progress, WooCommerce integration and more. Start teaching online with Academy!


User Profiles

This theme extends basic user profiles. Users can register, login, reset the password, upload avatar, edit profile fields, subscribe to the courses and track their progress without seeing the WordPress backend.


Theme Options

This theme has powerful options panel. You can fully change fonts, colors, backgrounds, slider settings, switch between page layouts, create sidebars, edit contact form fields and more.


Theme Features

  • Responsive Layout

  • Theme Options Panel

  • WooCommerce Integration

  • 4 Custom Post Types

    • Courses

      • Course Subscriptions

      • Course Certificates

      • Course Ratings

      • Course Price

      • Students List

      • Student Progress

      • Related Courses

      • Courses Statistics

    • Lessons

      • Lesson Prerequisites

      • Sample Lessons

      • Questions System

      • Quizzes System

      • File Attachments

      • Media Player

      • Image Slider

    • Testimonials

    • Slides

  • Extended User Profiles

    • Facebook Login

    • Custom Avatar

    • Social Links

    • Profile Text

    • Courses List

    • Login Form

    • Register Form

  • 2 Slider Types

    • Parallax Slider

    • Boxed Slider

  • 2 Built-in Widgets

    • Blog Authors

    • Twitter Feed

  • Unlimited Sidebars

  • Shortcodes Editor

  • Contact Form Builder

  • Share Buttons Support

  • Google Analytics Integration

  • Demo Content Included

  • Translation Ready


v.1.7. 14.05.2013:
- Added lessons order
- Added lessons hierarchy
- Added statistics for authors
- Fixed avatars uploader
- Fixed theme translation
- Fixed registration page
- Fixed slider videos

v.1.6. 06.05.2013:
- Added Facebook login
- Added course certificates
- Added multiple choice questions
- Added course lessons filter
- Added subscription redirect
- Fixed subscription access
- Fixed attachments editor
- Fixed courses shortcode
- Fixed hidden registration
- Fixed checkout fields editor
- Fixed user profile editor
- Fixed Multisite avatars

v.1.5. 16.04.2013:
- Fixed duplicated users bug
- Fixed user courses list bug
- Fixed register button appearance
- Fixed empty users appearance
- Fixed payment gateway toggles

v.1.4. 12.04.2013:
- Added checkout registration
- Added guest comment form
- Added lesson course column
- Added author courses badge
- Fixed post attachments style
- Fixed custom sidebars in posts
- Fixed emails text encoding
- Fixed empty quiz options
- Fixed slider arrows
- Fixed order coupons

v.1.3. 01.04.2013:
- Added subscriptions
- Added free lessons
- Added users manager
- Added full screen option
- Added category description
- Added toolbar for admins
- Fixed form placeholders
- Fixed custom sidebar
- Fixed embedded videos
- Fixed mobile search

v.1.2. 19.03.2013:
- Added option to edit ratings
- Added checkout form options
- Added courses list view option
- Added option to hide students
- Added WooCommerce pages
- Fixed author preview mode
- Fixed multiple user adding
- Fixed iframes in widgets

v.1.1. 11.03.2013:
- Added quizzes
- Added statistics
- Added prerequisites
- Fixed registration link
- Fixed registration title
- Fixed register email text
- Fixed empty attachments
- Fixed author permissions

v.1.0. 05.03.2013:
- Initial release


Support for all my themes is conducted through the support forum, use your purchase code to register. Please read existing support tickets and documentation before posting in the forum.

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