Thursday, May 9, 2013

Timewarp - Responsive WordPress Theme

Timewarp - Responsive WordPress Theme - Creative WordPress

Timewarp is a WordPress theme especially for basic users, bloggers, photographers or artists in any fields that want to communicate on their own with people. It has the ability to showcase your projects, gallery, video or audio files with ease and in a very clean, minimal modern design.

Complete with beautiful functional features tailored to your requirements, Timewarp will give you the mouthwatering effect of its professionally selected imagery and monochrome color schemes.

Timewarp is built with semantic HTML5/CSS3 and is completely responsive.


Version 1.6 – May 1, 2013

  • Enhancement – Theme Options (2.0.16)

  • Enhancement – Java Script one step bak for single projects

  • New – Pagination for projects and favourite projects

  • New – Custom Background

  • fix – Vdeo height for projects

  • fix – PrettyPhoto thumbnail image

  • fix – Added meta for categories on standard page format

  • Fix – Query for projects and favourite projects

  • Fix – Other minor things.

Version 1.5 – April 5, 2013

  • Fix – Posts on categories and archive was displaying in one column.

  • Fix – ImageLoad for infinite Scroll

  • Fix – Top Section in IE9

  • Fix – Other minor fixes.

Version 1.4 – March 25, 2013

  • New – Infinite Scroll

  • Enhancement – Removed slider from post format image

  • Fix – Post format icons going on top of the header

  • Fix – Link to image post format

Version 1.3 – March 19, 2013

  • New – Blog page layout that enhance the use of different image sizes & complex content

  • New – Blog Template for most favorited posts & projects

  • New – Ability to showcase your project without the use of a slider by building a custom gallery

  • New – Facebook Open Graph Integration

  • New – Ability to embed videos with [video] short code.

  • New – Ability to generate views & likes

  • Enhancement – Enable/Disable built-in comments system

  • Enhancement – Sticky Ribbon is now optional via Theme Options

  • Enhancement – Use of the video embed code as a featured image for video post format

  • Enhancement – Enable/Disable built-in comments system

  • Enhancement – Ability to set a single blog post as a Fullwidth layout (No sidebar)

  • Fix – Projects doesn’t diplay well on search page

  • Fix – Re-add client field within project details

  • Fix – Custom body background color was not working

  • Fix – Mobile navigation was not working correctly within iOS devices

  • Fix – Social Network Sharing Tools were going crazy

Version 1.2 – March 10, 2013

Since this update, we have deleted/replace some JavaScript files, be sure to delete the ”/js” folder before updating. Read the @help/changelog.html file for more details.

  • Enhancement – New social networks icons & location

  • Enhancement – Better single project layout experience (Added slideshow support)

  • Enhancement – Dedicated color scheme for the post sticky stamp

  • Enhancement – Enable/disable the built-in like system

  • New – Responsive navigation for small devices

  • New – Custom CSS code via theme options

  • New – Border radius to all boxed elements via theme options

  • New – Textbox shortcode

  • New – Posts counts view

  • Fix – Image post format title alignment

  • Fix – Youtube video not working within a post

  • Fix – Various font stack issues

  • Fix – Various CSS issues

Version 1.1 – March 3, 2013

Read the ”@help/changelog.html” for details. Delete your current “front-page.php” file within your theme folder. This file was included by accident with this theme.

  • Enhancement – Social Network Integration on Posts & Projects

  • Enhancement – Back-to-top Link across the site

  • Enhancement – Built-in Like System on Posts

  • Fix – Configurable Project Page & Category Slug was not implemented correctly

  • Fix – Footer Copyright Text was not emplemented correctly

  • Fix – Logo is not clickable when mobile navigation is triggered

  • Fix – Project Page Break when setup as a Front Page

  • Fix – Miscellaneous CSS/PHP bugs

Full List Features

  • WordPress 3.5 Ready

  • Infinite Scroll

  • Fully Responsive 1200px Grid Layout

  • 6 Post Format (Standard, Images, Video, Audio, Status, Quote)

  • Display Unlimited Images, Videos or Audio files

  • Different Page Layouts (Full width, Sidebar…)

  • Built-in Support for Google Web Fonts Library

  • Built-in Disqus Integration

  • Built-in Projects Manager to showcase your digital works

  • Accent Color Control (via Color Picker)

  • White-Label Admin Framework (OptionTree v2)

  • HTML Documentation

  • Easy to install and customize !

Need Support ? – Follow the link and be assured of a fast turnaround time from our support team.

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