Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Magazon - Advanced, Responsive WP Magazine Theme

Magazon - Advanced, Responsive WP Magazine Theme - News / Editorial Blog / Magazine

Magazon is an Advanced – Responsive WordPress News or Magazine theme. It is ready to start working out of the box with a multitude of theme options, smart homepage builder, custom widgets, category styler to help you personalize your environment.

Dedicated Support Forum!

     SmoothThemes Support Forums | Create an Account

     If you like this theme and our top-notch support, please don’t forget to rate it \\\\\\\\\\

     Updated To Version 2.1 – May 14, 2013

     Updated To Version 2.0 – May 07, 2013

     Updated To Version 1.7 – April 12, 2013

     Updated To Version 1.6 – March 29, 2013

     Updated To Version 1.5

     Updated To Version 1.4 – RTL language Support      View RTL Version

     Updated To Version 1.3.1 –     \\ View WPML Version

New in Magazon 2.0 – Update May 07, 2013

WPML ready

Highlight Features

Responsive Design Done Right
Smart Drag & Drop Homepage Builder
Custom Design,sidebar, Slider, Carousel For Categories
Advanced Theme Options
Review system with multiple styles
HD Video tutorials

What People Say About Magazon

Hi – just wanted to say I purchased this theme yesterday and absolutely LOVE it. I’m very impressed with the functionality – the best of any WordPress theme I’ve ever bought. Great job. — Kapelle

After three months seking for a theme, we have purchased this perfect theme for our website. We are very happy to say that this professional organisation helpt us very well to installed this theme and that they knows what they are doing. They have not only show us that they have the knowledge, but also there customer service was very helpful. The service was more then we could ever expect and we from “The World of Christianity” would like to thank you guys for an perfect job done. — Vincent John

Magazon Theme Features

  • Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)

  • Full Width Layout or Boxed Layout (default).

  • Unlimited Color Schemes

  • HTML5 and CSS3 Tableless Design

  • Built on SmoothThemes Framework

    • Smart Drag & Drop HomePage (plus pages) Builder

    • Advanced Theme Options

    • Unlimited Sidebar for Pages and Categories

    • Hooks for Ad Management

    • Background Uploader

    • Favicon Uploader

    • Logo Uploader

    • 500+ Google Fonts with Preview Capability

    • Color Selection for Individual Menu Items

  • Review System:

    • Review Stars – Top

    • Review Percent – Bottom

    • Review Point – Left

    • Review Point – Right

    • Supported Positions: Top, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom, Bottom Left, Bottom Right

  • Multimedia Post

    • Post With Slideshow

    • Post with Embedded Video (YouTube and Vimeo)

    • Post with Feature Image

  • Category Style :

    • Alternate Sidebar for Cateogry

    • Embedded Slideshow for Category

    • Embedded Carousel for Category

    • Background for Individual Category Items

  • All-in-One Ads (Advertisement) Manager. See Video

    • Manage Ads by Widget

    • Manage Ads by Page Builder Item

    • Manage Ads by SmoothThemes Hooks

  • Built-in Custom Widgets

    • ST Popular Posts

    • ST Releted Posts

    • ST Recent Posts

    • ST Ads 125×125

    • ST Flickr Gallery

    • ST Socials Connect

    • ST Tabbed Content

    • ST Recent Comments

    • All wordpress default widget are styled to match the theme style.

  • Built-in Shortcodes

    • Heading Shortcode for Rapid Typing

    • Buttons: Small, Medium, Large, and Radius

    • Multiple Columns

    • Embed Video by URL

    • Accordion Shortcode

    • Toggle Shortcode

    • Tabs Shortcode

  • WordPress 3 Multi-Level Drop-Down

  • Localization Support (.po and .mo Files Included)

  • Pagination Integrated

  • 10 Pre-Defined Colors

  • Compatible Browsers: IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

  • Includes Detailed Documentation

  • HD Video Tutorials

    • Install Magazon On Fresh Wordpress Installation

    • Drag & Drop Homepage Builder

    • Creating Post Thumbnail

    • Changing Style For Category

    • All-in-One Ads Management


Magazon V2.2 – May 21, 2013

Magazon V2.2
- Fixed bug upload image for categories
Changed file: st-framework/ admin/admin-scripts.php
Changed file: st-framework/admin/js/admin-js.js
- Fixed style for print devices
Changed file: st-framework/settings/js-and-css.php

- Fixed and change page builder data encode
Changed file:

-Fixed the slider captions
Changed file: st-framwork/lib/lib-functions.php

-NEW: User can select multiple categories in blog post item
Changed file: st-framwork/admin//pag-builder/page-builder-functions.php
Changed file: st-framwork/settings/shortcode.php
Changed sidebars order
Changed file: st-framework/settings/sidebars.php

Update google font: add more fonts and load all font subsets
Changed file: st-framework/settings/google-fonts.php
Changed file: st-framework/settings/admin-settings.php
Changed file: st-framework/admin/admin-function.php
Changed file: st-framework/admin/js/admin-js.js

Add default options
Changed file: st-framework/lib/st-active-theme.php
Changed file: st-framework/admin/aadmin-interface.php

Move post/page pagination to sing and page
Changed file: st-framwork/templates/single.php
Changed file: st-framwork/templates/page.php

Other changed
file : functions.php
file: st-framwork/admin/admin-int.php
file: st-framwork/admin/page-builder/page-builder.php
file: st-framwork/templates/index.php

Magazon V2.1 – May 14, 2013

Changed file st-framework/st-load.php
Add folder: st-framework/css/
- Fixed missing text in admin., translate for frontend only.
Changed file: st-framework/translate/translate.php
- Add option link open in new tab for shortcode button ( [button type="medium" link="#" target="_blank" ] Button[/button] ).
Changed file: st-framework/settings/shortcode.php
- Fixed Accordion auto close when click to content
Changed file: assets/js/custom.js
- Change Style for admin Panel
Changed folder amin/css/
Changed file admin/js/admin-js.js
changed file admin/admin-interface.php

Magazon V2.0 – May 07, 2013

- NEW FEATURE : Included stTranslator, the best translate tool you never seen.
- NEW FEATURE : Included Back To Top button
- Magazon now compatibility with WordPress 3.6
- Top social now open on a new window
- Add 'Widget' to page builder
- Add body font size option

Magazon V1.7 – April 12, 2013

- NEW FEATURE : Top Post Carousel is now continuos rotation.
- NEW FEATURE : Add imageLoaded (js file) that can fixed your Slider and Carousels
- Fixed some typo issue.
Changed files :
- Add jquery.imagesloaded.min.js in assets/js/ folder
- st-framework/templates/template-functions.php
- st-framework/settings/js-and-css.php

Magazon V1.6 – March 29, 2013

- NEW FEATURE : Add info boxed shortcodes
- NEW FEATURE : Add smoothHeight setting for Flexslider
- Fixed Slider and Carousel issue on Safari & Chrome

Magazon V1.5 – March 19, 2013

- ADD : Categories, date, comment, author metadata setting for singple post
- Fix 404.php issue
- Fix logo padding setting issue
- Replace social counter by JS (The old used PHP)
- Move JS to footer

Magazon V1.4 – March 16, 2013

- NEW FEATURE : Support RTL language
- Fixed the_date issue, now you can select Date Format in WP general setting
- Added pagination for page builder item on home page (Only blog style)
Changed files :
changed function : st_blog_post_func
add new function st_get_paging_in_home
changed function : stpb_blog

Magazon V1.3.1 – March 12, 2013

-Fixed avatar on single post
-Fixed thumbnail for post Slider
-Fixed Slider caption padding issue
-Added setting to disable Featured Image on single.
Changed files :
-style.css line 351,356

Magazon V1.3 – March 08, 2013

- WPML ready
- Add advanced theme options for Individual language
- Add feature slider settings
- Fixed author social on singple page

Magazon V1.2.1 – March 05, 2013

- Add auto-height to the feature slider.
- Fixed small bug in Custom Sidebars.

Magazon V1.2 – March 03, 2013

- Add footer & header tracking code to theme options
- Add option to display pagination in "Blog Posts" builder item
- Add social sharing on single page (can disable in theme options)
- Fixed double "Leave a Reply" if no comment
- Fixed category issue in "Blog Posts" builder item

Magazon V1.1 – March 1, 2013

- Update .po and .mo files
- Fixed some css issues
- Clean up header.php

Magazon V1.0 – February 23, 2013

- Initial Release


I would like to thank the following providers. This theme would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of all of them.

  • Jquery JavaScript Library

  • JavaScript Color Picker

  • DDsmoothmenu

  • Icon font by Font Awesome

  • PrettyPhoto Lightbox Effect

  • Subtle Patterns

List of Photos from Flickr (Creative Commons-licensed content for commercial use and NOT included in theme file.)


























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