Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nevia - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Nevia - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme - Business Corporate

Nevia is a premium Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress theme created for corporate and portfolio websites with support for WooCommerce. It features a very clean, responsive design that is perfect for creating professional image of your company. It’s easy to customize with awesome features like LayerSlider, OptionsTree panel for settings and WordPress Customizer. It’s also Retina ready, has plenty of easy to use shortcodes and tools (like MegaMenu!), and is compatible with WPML – The WordPress Multilingual Plugin! Check more below:

Current version: 1.0.8
+ update for latest WooCommerce
+ update for lightbox script
+ better image placeholder for WooCommerce
+ testimonials archive
+ fixed issue with sidebars on left side
+ tested for upcoming WordPress 3.6
+ added missing strings for translation
+ standard bullets for lists
+ updated Layer Slider
+ added G+ to social icons
+ NEW! Full width header with centered logo
* fixed responsive dropdown walker
* improved responsive cart and checkout page

Key Features

WordPress Theme Customizer – real time preview of your customizations, change colors and backgrounds with two clicks.

Easy to build MegaMenu based on WordPress menu system – you can create wide submenus build on columns, where you can add any text you want and even use shortcodes inside!

We’ve integrated WooCommerce with Nevia, to open your shop you just need to install WooCommerce plugin and everything will look great out of the box

Retina Ready looks super sharp on iPad and high resolution devices Thanks to the FontAwesome and Glyphicons PRO we’ve used for Nevia, your site will look amazing on any Retina display device.

Includes LayerSlider WP – The WordPress Parallax Slider ($15 Value)! This slider gives you opportunity to create amazing animated slides with images and videos. It is highly customizable and has a stunning admin user interface. If you however want to use something lighter and smaller, there’s also FlexSlider included.

Easy Installation – Just follow our documentation to start working with theme, we will guide you how to quickly create your website. You can import XML file with the same data as on Nevia Live Preview, or copy demo code from separate text files you can find in “extras” folder ( Please note that images are not included) It’s great way to start customizing already build layouts to create your own!

Translation Support and WPML ready! – There is included .mo and .po language files, so you can quickly translate Nevia to your language. You can also use WPML, read more.

Unlimited Sidebars – You can select different sidebar for each page and post, and create as many as you want.

Unlimited Portfolios – You can group your portfolio pages by combination of “filters”, which allows you to create many different portfolios, and you can choose different layouts as well (2,3 or 4 columsn)

New way of creating Galleries – we’ve incorporated new Media Uploader to allow you to create portfolio and post galleries without need of attaching all images to current post. You can now easily select, group, and re-order images from your Media Library. Check this screencast!

Blog Options & Post Formats Nevia uses Post formats for Standard, Image, Gallery and Video posts, and all formats are in separate files, that way you can easily make your changes
You can choose for Blog right or left sidebars and change the size of thumbnails, from big panoramic images to small square thumbs.

Fancybox Integration – Nevia uses Fancybox to show images from galleries in their real size!

And even more features!

  • Works with WPML – The WordPress Multilingual Plugin

  • HTML5 and CSS3

  • 500+ Google Fonts

  • Twitter Widget based on Twitter 1.1 API (which means you won’t be surprised if your Twitter feed will stop working on 5th March when Twitter API 1.0 will be disabled)

  • Shortcodes Generator

  • Detailed Documentation

  • Pricing Tables

  • Custom widgets with Flickr and Twitter

  • PSD Files

  • Many page templates


Resize your browser on your desktop to see the responsiveness in action


Update 1.0.8 (05-06-2013)

+ update for latest WooCommerce
+ update for lightbox script
+ better image placeholder for WooCommerce
+ testimonials archive
+ fixed issue with sidebars on left side

Update 1.0.5
+ better responsiveness of cart and checkout page
* fixed problem with sidebar on empty category
* fixed problem with sidebar height with empty cart widget
* fixed search input on IE7 & IE8
* fixed search.php layout

Update 1.0.4

+ LayerSlider updated to 4.0! (now with 3D transitions!)
+ added gallery option for pages (like in post & portfolio items
+ WooCommerce Catalog Mode ( for now it hides "add to cart" buttons, more options soon)
+ Switch on/off theme responsiveness
+ option to open videos in lightbox, example: <a class="fancybox-media" href="">Youtube</a>
+ [recent_blog_carousel] shortcode

- removed borders from aligned images

* fixed bug with image resize screen
* fixed columns option in megamenu
* fixed URL bug in Iconbox shortcode generator
* fixed lists shortcode generator
* fixed colors on links and visited link

Update 1.0.3
- WPML support!
- small WooCommerce 2.0 fixes

Update 1.0.2
- WooCommerce 2.0 support

Update 1.0.1
- fixed contac widget in sidebar
- fixed CSS for Custom menu widget in sidebar
- h2 tags on titles on single pages changed to h1 for better SEO


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  • Photos Used in Live Preview:

    • All from PhotoDune

  • Resources Used:

    • Awesome Photo in Slider by baranq

    • Flexslider (GPLv2 License)

    • Isotope (Commercial License)

    • Fancybox2 (Multi Domain License) with permission from author

    • Google Maps API V3 (CC BY-SA 3.0)

    • SubtlePatterns for Backgrounds

    • Premium Menu (Extended License)

    • jCarousel – Riding carousels with jQuery MIT license

This is WordPress conversion of Nevia– Responsive HTML Template by Vasterad

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